Regarding spiritual numerals
and their application and function via a line of energy vibration. Spiritual numbers I think point to numbers refering to
mathematical and electrical vibration and indeed towards the sacred wisdom that refers to numbers as being rates of vibration
and also indicating that they are that rate of vibration. They are two in one and sacred due to the very power they indicate
and are. They also mask the original living vital sacred numeral or actual ray logos.
All that manifests on the
dense physical is a product of and qualified by the seven ray colours. All that exists is qualified by a particular Vibration
or rate of motion or livingness. This is due to the sacrifice of the seven ray lives and Agni. Presently humans calculate
and relate to contacted life phenomena by way of figures to calculate motion and vibration. In reality all figures are the
mask of the inner essence of a ray life. They define its rate of activity and period of motion. This motion and vibrational
livingness is in reality but living colour or in other words, colour is a living breath and vibrational life of infinite duration,
frequency and refinement. Future works will entail the ability to tune to the vibrational value of colour and identify with
it to achieve understanding and some specific work. The future science will understand living vibrational colour as it now
uses figures and mathematics to create formula. Future formulas will reveal the state of livingness of colour or ray life/activity.
Current formulas mask the reality of the inner life but convey understanding none the less, all is relative. The revelation
and use of ray numbers is current and legitimate and is fully in accordance with the plan. The sacred numbers embody a cosmic
ray lives and have been described as that which is preceding, or the causal force "self moving" numbers or colours which manifest
the figures or higher vibrational activity. The vital living numeral or geometrical symbol initiates activity and figures
manifests form. This is the process of cosmic mathematics which is the process of cosmic colour and vibration. Clearly stated
is the fact that esoteric astrology and occult cosmology see's a sacred number as the embodiment of a living cosmic entity,
or ray logi. A ray life in incarnation upon a plane, governs on the plane of the same number, which states it all.
1st Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 218,700,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.0013707931321444901691815272062186
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period
= 4.5724737082761774119798811149545 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
All physical phenomena as
we understand the term have an electrical origin and an initial vibration on the first sub plane of the physical plane.
Head Centre 1st ray Vulcan.
1st Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 72,900,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.0041123793964334705075445816186557
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period
= 1.3717421124828532235939643344864 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
2nd Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 24,300,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.012337138189300411522633744855967
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period
= 4.1152263374485596707818930037926 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
Physical plane Light, has a close connection with, and uses, as a medium, the second ether. Heart Centre 2nd
ray Jupiter/Sun. Formless, the one giver of light, is the Great Power; from that appeared the Sonoriferous ether (Akasha).
Heat: Duality. The second Logos. Solar fire. The Son aspect. The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed
of light. The shock of cosmic currents exceed the speed of light. Physical light is the manifestation on our plane
and the reflected radiance of the Divine Light. Light Rays of pranic aspect, some of which are being now recognized by the
modern scientist. They are but aspects of the latent heat of the sun as it approaches the Earth by a particular line of least
2nd Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 8,100,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.037011414567901234567901234567901meters
per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period = 3.1713598764383909652434490770982
The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
3rd Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 2,700,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.1110342437037037037037037037037
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period
= 3.7037037037037037037037037036802 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
Sound functions through the third ether. Throat Centre 3rd ray Saturn.
3rd Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 900,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.33310273111111111111111111111111
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period
= 1.1111111111111111111111111111107 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
4th Ether=
c 299,792,458 metres
per second /Frequency 300,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.99930819333333333333333333333333
meters per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792457.9999999999999999999999 meters per second.
Wave period = 3.3333333333333333333333333333322 The time required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
Colour in a peculiar sense is allied to the fourth ether. 7th ray Uranus. It is the ether which the violet ray uses as a medium. It is the etheric sphere within which, at a little later
date, the human and the deva evolutions will touch. From this fourth etheric sphere the dense physical bodies are created.
Ether of the fourth Order. Etheric matter of the Heavenly Men.
c 299,792,458 metres per second /Frequency 100,000,000 per second = wavelength 2.99792458
meters. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299792458 meters per second. Wave period = .00000001 seconds. The time
required for a complete oscillation or vibration.
Note: all frequencies of vibration
calculated per J.W. Keely and HPB. Secret Doctrine. Light speed is used with colour/sound ect because it is the medium
of and preceeds these and travels etherically.
Jeremy Condick.